Tom Raftery's newsletter - Issue #10

Well, we've made it to issue 10 of the newsletter - phew! Thanks everyone for your feedback, and continued interest in my weekly stories and musingsAnother week, another batch of stories...

Well, we've made it to issue 10 of the newsletter - phew! Thanks everyone for your feedback, and continued interest in my weekly stories and musings

Another week, another batch of stories... 

The Internet of Things (IoT)

Intel has looked into the tealeaves and decided that the way of the future is the Internet of Things, and data centres - no surprise there, the two are obviously very closely related

While blockchain is being touted as a way of securing the integrity of the Internet of Things

Intel shifts focus to data centre and Internet of Intel plans to invest in its data centre, IoT, memory and connectivity business.

How blockchain will defend the Internet of Blockchain will empower the Internet of Things and enable the creation of identity chains that help prevent spoofing


Two great stories surfaced in the energy space this week - in the first is a study by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory into the benefits of solar power, and the positive outcomes surprised even me!

While the second story reveals that Portugal managed to supply its entire energy needs 100% from renewables for over four days this week

Solar power is already saving lives in the US. Here's A new study quantifies the lifesaving benefits of aggressive solar growth.

Portugal runs for four days straight on renewable energy alone Zero emission milestone reached as country is powered by just wind, solar and hydro-generated electricity for 107 hours


IBM announced this week that they have added a Zika project to its World Community Grid - allowing anyone with a computer to help find a treatment for the disease. I signed up, and you should too

While Microsoft issued one of the clearest, statements of corporate sustainability I have ever read - kudos to them. This is great to see

IBM's World Community Grid and scientists are launching an international study to identify drug candidates to cure Zika, a fast spreading virus that the World Health Organization has declared a global public health emergency.

As the world increasingly races to a future based on cloud computing, a host of new and important public issues are emerging. One of these issues involves the energy and sustainability practices of the datacenters that power the cloud. 


News on the climate front is less positive - at our current trajectory, we're on route to 1.5C of global warming in just over 5 years

And, as if to prove that, India recorded a record breaking 51C yesterday - 51C? - Youza, that's hot!

Analysis: Only five years left before 1.5C carbon budget is blown Our analysis suggests that just five years of CO2 emissions at current levels would use up the carbon budget for keeping global temperature rise below 1.5C.

India records its hottest temperature ever: 123.8 degrees Fahrenheit (51 degrees C) India recorded its hottest temperature on record on May 19, at an astonishing 51 degrees Celsius.


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